This is a chronological listing of my works from the most recent to the oldest. You might prefer to filter the list by instrument or ensemble using the drop boxes below.

For the last several years, most of my compositions are parts of larger series, about which you can read here and which can be filtered in the list below.

As you can see, many of the titles, especially those of the most recent pieces, look like random symbols—gibberish. They actually have meaning, and for me, are a big part of the pieces to which they belong. If a piece has a "more info" link below it, than you can click it to read about the title, structure and genesis of the composition. There are also scores available for many pieces, especially those which are available on commericial recordings and the brokenAphorism series. The Fracture II, PortRait of the ArTist,**NYC2001, and PortRait_2,**NYC2k2 titles are all links to streaming video or audio recordings of the pieces. These are also linked off the media page.

Filter by:  Instrument,  Ensemble,  Series

PortRait of the ArTist,**NYC2001
Solo Cello and Recorded Electronics
Summer '01

more info